Being a Foster Changed My Life
My first foster was an adult cat I called Claire. She had a pretty face, was orange in color, and a definite cat "regal" personality. I fostered her at my home for several weeks. Once she was spayed and had a medical checkup she moved into the Mounds Cat Room. It didn’t take long to receive an adoption application! The couple who applied were delightful and down-to-earth. Once the background check was completed, I took Claire to their home for a ‘meet and greet’. I had to laugh when I walked into their home and found the biggest cat tree I had ever seen made just for Claire. There were toys scattered everywhere and the couple were anxious for her to settle in. Needless to say, Claire settled her into her new home beautifully!
I received a phone call from a couple whose puppy was more than they could manage and they wanted to surrender it to FoN. I went to their home where we had a long discussion but they felt it was in the best interest of everyone if the puppy left with me. She was quite young so I contacted another volunteer for some ‘puppy’ supplies. Right away, she got along great with my olders. Soon, she was spayed, vet checked, and ready for her forever home. Several people were interested in her including a friend of mine. I knew it would be an exceptional home and was delighted to think she would grow up in such a loving family. I took 'Bridget' for a visit and my friend was crazy about her and couldn't wait to adopt her. At the end of the visit I got very teary eyed and my girlfriend started to laugh at me saying "Bridget has her forever home with you and everyone knows it". It seemed everyone, but me, did know it. So I am a foster failure and I've couldn't be happier about it. Bridget is so smart, she has earned her Canine Good Citizen title, is doing well in agility classes and makes friends wherever we go.
I had mixed emotions about being a foster, but thinking about it, I believe it is right thing to help others along the way in life, no matter in what capacity.
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