We have always had dogs. In fact, we got our first one shortly after we met. Our dogs have all been Schnauzers, but we like all dogs, and are “dog people”. Through our 49 years of marriage, we have raised one daughter and 4 dogs (Tuffy, Farfy, Abby, and Schnitzel). Our daughter currently has Cooper (Schnitzel’s brother/littermate) and we often take care of him.
Fostering has helped fill the empty spot which was so evident when we lost Schnitzel 2 years ago. Buddy and Charlie, our first fosters, were full of fun and provided lots of entertainment for us. There were some bumps in the road, but the best part was seeing them happy with their new home. We feel dogs are deeply caring animals and deserve to have a loving family.
We are now fostering RJ who has proven to be a wonderful distraction during the quarantine time. Life would have been harder the last few months if it wasn’t for him! What we lack in experience with training, Lori Rockwell (FoN Volunteer, DVM Behavior Consulting) is available to help. We do our best and are rewarded when each dog is happy in our home and in their forever home. They do so much for us, we want to do all we can for them! ~ Bob & Linda Edwards
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