9/18, Volunteer Meeting Minutes

SEPTEMBER 18, 2024  6:30 p.m. 
Festival Foods - Janesville, WI 

Mark Boeche, Vice-President led the meeting.  Other Board members in attendance Christina Zink, Rhonda Karlen, Sheila JaDoul, and Sue Showers.  

Welcome, Samantha!  


SAFE (Savings Animals through Focused Education): Dawn Espinosa:

  • There is nothing new to report. 

CAFÉ (Companion Animal Food Effort): Shiela Lund:

  • No report.  

NOAH’S ANIMAL FUND: Rhonda Karlen: 

  • No new applications. 

  • Sassy is ‘on hold’ for her approved mass removal due to heart issues. 

  • $12837.75 has been paid out to date this year. 


  • Cats: Cindy J and Jessica C:

    • There have been 7 adoptions. 

    • Barb (foster) has taken in 13 cats from a hoarding situation. 

    • Pat has taken Mandy back.

    • 4 kittens were taken to the Adoption Center (joining Daisy Mae and Roxy)

    • Adoptions have been slow over the summer but seem to be picking up as of late.   

  • Dogs: Sue Showers: 

    • Nike (now Ranger) and Chico (now Eddie) were both adopted.  Ranger’s Mom is doing a Facebook fundraiser for FON as part of her birthday celebration.  

    • Echo is still available.  Flyers  have been printed and will be hung in select locations.  Her adoption fee is being sponsored by Nowlan Personal Injury Law.  

    • On Saturday, 9/14, Sebastian and Missy joined FON.  Sebastian is a Mini-Aussie mix.  Missy is a Chiweenie (chihuahua /dachshund mix) 

    • On Friday, 9/20), we will be taking in a 12-year old American Eskimo whose owner is very ill.  Trish and Kevin will be fostering.  

TREASURER REPORT: Christina Zink: 

  • August donations:  $1828.73

  • August adoption fees:  $431.28

  • August foster vet bills:  $1212.07

EVENTS: Dawn Espinosa   

  • Mounds Info Table: monthly.  Some months are better than others. Having the big stuffed dog there does help attract attention.  

  • 10/26:  Stormy’s Grilled Cheese.  Watch the FON Facebook page.  An email will be sent once details are released.  

  • 11/3:  Mutts & Meows Mixer at the Red Barn in Evansville.  Posters were passed around for distribution.  We’ve received several donations.  We are still taking donations!  

  • Victorian Holiday House:  No information at this time.  


  • Volunteer Meetings for 2025:  Do we want to continue with every other month?  While no decision needs to be made tonight, the general consensus is ‘yes’.  

Next Meeting Date:  November 20, 2024

committee chairs

Companion Animal Food Effort:
Shiela Lund
Noah’s Animal Fund:
Rhonda Karlen
Saving Animals through Focused Education:
Dawn Espinosa
Foster Coordinator:
Rhonda Karlen
Cat Intake, Fostering, Adoption:
Cindy Jensen
Jessica Cullen
Dog Intake, Fostering, Adoption:
Sue Showers
Mounds Adoption Center Coordinator:
Cindy Jensen
Volunteer Coordinator:
Sheila Jadoul
Marketing Manager:
Dawn Espinosa


President: Steve Caya
Vice-President: Mark Boeche
Secretary: Emily Dykstra
Treasurer: Christina Zink

Shiela JaDoul
Rhonda Karlen
Sue Showers