SEPTEMBER 18, 2024 6:30 p.m.
Festival Foods - Janesville, WI
Mark Boeche, Vice-President led the meeting. Other Board members in attendance Christina Zink, Rhonda Karlen, Sheila JaDoul, and Sue Showers.
Welcome, Samantha!
SAFE (Savings Animals through Focused Education): Dawn Espinosa:
There is nothing new to report.
CAFÉ (Companion Animal Food Effort): Shiela Lund:
No report.
NOAH’S ANIMAL FUND: Rhonda Karlen:
No new applications.
Sassy is ‘on hold’ for her approved mass removal due to heart issues.
$12837.75 has been paid out to date this year.
Cats: Cindy J and Jessica C:
There have been 7 adoptions.
Barb (foster) has taken in 13 cats from a hoarding situation.
Pat has taken Mandy back.
4 kittens were taken to the Adoption Center (joining Daisy Mae and Roxy)
Adoptions have been slow over the summer but seem to be picking up as of late.
Dogs: Sue Showers:
Nike (now Ranger) and Chico (now Eddie) were both adopted. Ranger’s Mom is doing a Facebook fundraiser for FON as part of her birthday celebration.
Echo is still available. Flyers have been printed and will be hung in select locations. Her adoption fee is being sponsored by Nowlan Personal Injury Law.
On Saturday, 9/14, Sebastian and Missy joined FON. Sebastian is a Mini-Aussie mix. Missy is a Chiweenie (chihuahua /dachshund mix)
On Friday, 9/20), we will be taking in a 12-year old American Eskimo whose owner is very ill. Trish and Kevin will be fostering.
August donations: $1828.73
August adoption fees: $431.28
August foster vet bills: $1212.07
EVENTS: Dawn Espinosa
Mounds Info Table: monthly. Some months are better than others. Having the big stuffed dog there does help attract attention.
10/26: Stormy’s Grilled Cheese. Watch the FON Facebook page. An email will be sent once details are released.
11/3: Mutts & Meows Mixer at the Red Barn in Evansville. Posters were passed around for distribution. We’ve received several donations. We are still taking donations!
Victorian Holiday House: No information at this time.
Volunteer Meetings for 2025: Do we want to continue with every other month? While no decision needs to be made tonight, the general consensus is ‘yes’.
Next Meeting Date: November 20, 2024
committee chairs
Companion Animal Food Effort:
Shiela Lund
Noah’s Animal Fund:
Rhonda Karlen
Saving Animals through Focused Education:
Dawn Espinosa
Foster Coordinator:
Rhonda Karlen
Cat Intake, Fostering, Adoption:
Cindy Jensen
Jessica Cullen
Dog Intake, Fostering, Adoption:
Sue Showers
Mounds Adoption Center Coordinator:
Cindy Jensen
Volunteer Coordinator:
Sheila Jadoul
Marketing Manager:
Dawn Espinosa
President: Steve Caya
Vice-President: Mark Boeche
Secretary: Emily Dykstra
Treasurer: Christina Zink